Attention Insight Plugin for Figma - Testing Usability with AI

What can do:

This website, Attention Insight, offers a Figma plugin that allows designers to assess the clarity of their designs, increase conversions, and verify design changes. It provides AI heatmaps that reveal where users are looking and what design elements capture their attention. The plugin integrates seamlessly with Figma and provides instant feedback without requiring direct user engagement or data collection. Additionally, the website offers tutorials, a knowledge base, and a blog to help users learn how to set up and use the plugin effectively.

Top 5 Benefits:

  1. Seamless testing: Get instant feedback on your design without the need for direct user engagement or data collection.
  2. Prove design value: Easily demonstrate the value of your design vision by generating AI heatmaps and making informed design changes.
  3. Clarity assessment: Assess the clarity of your design by analyzing where users are looking and which design elements capture their attention.
  4. Conversion optimization: Increase your conversion rate by predicting which colors, sizes, and CTA placements will work best for your design.
  5. Verification of changes: Immediately know if the changes you make to your design lead to the desired results.

Top 5 Use Cases:

  1. Clarity assessment: Generate AI heatmaps to determine which areas of your design receive the most attention and make improvements accordingly.
  2. Conversion optimization: Predict which design elements will result in higher conversion rates before implementing them.
  3. Verification of changes: Quickly assess whether design changes are effective in accomplishing their intended goals.
  4. Seamless testing: Get instant feedback on your design without requiring direct user engagement or data collection.
  5. Learning and support: Access tutorials, a knowledge base, and a blog to learn how to set up and use the plugin effectively and stay informed about industry trends.

Prompt type:

Analyse data


Attention Insight offers the Attention Insight Figma Plugin, allowing users to test the usability of their designs. The plugin generates AI heatmaps and provides insights for design improvements. Download now for easy integration and instant feedback.

Origin: Hamburg, Germany
