Frase - SEO Content Optimization Tool & AI Writer

What can do:

Frase is an AI-powered tool designed to optimize SEO content creation. It simplifies the process of going from keyword to final draft, making it quick and painless.

Top 5 Benefits:

  1. Efficient SERP Research: Frase analyzes and condenses content from the top search results of any query, saving you time.
  2. Competitor Analysis: It allows you to easily analyze SEO competitors' content via an intuitive research panel.
  3. Key SERP Metrics: It visualizes key SERP metrics like word count, domain rating, and heading count.
  4. AI-Generated Content Briefs: Frase uses AI to generate full-length, optimized content briefs in just 6 seconds.
  5. Trusted by Professionals: It is trusted by over 30,000 content, SEO, and marketing teams.

Top 5 Use Cases:

  1. SEO Content Creation: Use Frase to create content that ranks well on Google.
  2. Competitor Content Analysis: Analyze your competitors' content to understand their SEO strategies.
  3. Content Optimization: Optimize your existing content based on key SERP metrics.
  4. Content Brief Generation: Generate full-length, optimized content briefs for your writing team.
  5. Content Marketing: Use Frase to improve your content marketing strategies.

Prompt type:

Analyse data, Write sales copy, Write product description, Define SEO keywords, Write article, Write news, Write blog post, Generate content feed, Optimise Ad, Increase conversions




Frase is an AI-powered SEO content optimization tool that simplifies SERP research, competitor analysis, and content creation. It's trusted by over 30,000 professionals for efficient, optimized, and effective content marketing.

