




Prompt type:

Play Chess


Work withChat GPT

What can do:

The Chess plugin allows us to play a game of chess right here in our conversation. Here are some of the things it can do:

  1. Start a new game: You can choose to play as either the white or black pieces, and you can also set the difficulty level.
  2. Make moves: You can make your moves using Standard Algebraic Notation (SAN), such as "e4", "Nf3", etc. The plugin will then make its move in response.
  3. Display the game board: After each move, the plugin can display the current state of the game board, so you can see exactly what's happening.
  4. Provide the FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation) representation of the board: If you're familiar with FEN, you can ask for this at any time to get a precise description of the current game state.
  5. Provide the complete move history of the game: You can ask for this at any time to see all the moves that have been made so far.
  6. Analyze the game: At the end of the game, or at any point during it, you can ask for an analysis of the game so far.