




Prompt type:

Create QR Code


Marketing, Sales, Business management
Work withChat GPT

What can do:

The "Create A QR Code" plugin allows you to generate QR codes for any given text or URL. Here are the main functionalities of this plugin:

  1. Generate QR Code: You can provide any text or URL, and the plugin will generate a QR code for it. This QR code can be scanned using a QR code scanner to retrieve the original text or URL.
  2. Customize QR Code Size: You can specify the size of the QR code. This allows you to create a QR code that fits your specific needs, whether you need a small QR code for a business card or a larger one for a poster.
  3. Add Alt Text and Title: You can add alt text and a title for the QR code image. This can be useful for SEO purposes and for improving the accessibility of your QR code.

Here's an example of how you might use the plugin:

In this example, the plugin would generate a 300x300 pixel QR code for the URL "https://example.com". The alt text for the image would be "Example Website QR Code", and the title would be "Scan to visit Example Website".

Try this plugin in action