



General writing

Prompt type:

Analyse data


General writing
Work withChat GPT

What can do:

The WebPilot plugin is a tool designed to interact with and extract specific information from web pages. It allows users to provide a URL (or URLs) and optionally make requests for interacting with the content from the URL. These requests may include rewriting, translating, and other actions.

Here's how it works:

  1. Visit Web Page: The user provides a web page's URL for the plugin to visit and retrieve content from. The user can specify whether they have any specific requests for this content.
  2. User Requests: If the user has any specific requests, such as rewriting or translating the content, the plugin can carry out these actions.
  3. Content Extraction: The plugin retrieves the content from the provided URL and presents it to the user. If the user has made any specific requests, the plugin will carry out these actions on the retrieved content.

The WebPilot plugin is a powerful tool for interacting with web content, making it easier for users to extract and manipulate information from the web. It's particularly useful for tasks such as content research, language translation, and data extraction.

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